Category: Sketches

21 Jan

Thinking Outside the Box

Jenn / Sketches / / 0 Comments

Occasionally an idea will hit me while I’m thinking of something else, and I usually try to sketch it out. This image came to me as I was planning out a demo reel. I sketched it out, and because I liked the message and the way it looks, I decided to post it. Now, back to planning demo reels and writing applications.


17 Jan

Raven Sketches

Jenn / raven, reference, Sketches / / 0 Comments

While working on my 3D model of a raven, I’ve started sketching reference for the model, including partials of certain areas, and taking notes on the physical qualities of this common bird. I’m pretty happy with how they came out!


Raven Body, Head, and Feet Study


Raven Wing Study

27 Oct

New Stuff

Jenn / anatomy, Sketches, tribal / / 0 Comments

I haven’t posted in awhile, so this long post is to make up for that. For the past month I have been traveling, but I’m back and I will start posting what I’m working on. My goal is to at least update this blog once a week.

Before I left, I started on learning how to draw abs. I followed a tutorial in the anatomy magazine from ImagineFX, and then I took the image into Photoshop and traced the outline of her body. I’m pretty happy with the result.



Detailed Sketch and Outline of Same Body


I’ve also been working on some 3D projects (other than demo reels to contribute to the job search). I started on a 3D model of a raven and the texturing of a room for a previous school project that I never finished to my expectations. Once I have something to show, I will post on them. For now, amidst looking for jobs and doing demo reels, I have been doing tribal sketches of animals. I tend to work on these when I’m just relaxing, since they are therapeutic for me. Here’s the latest that I have done.


Tribal Fox

I ran out of space for part of the head, and since I was working on paper, I couldn’t just extend the canvas size. When I draw these sort of animals, I try to incorporate similar shape elements of the actual animal (the fur direction, the head shape), while getting lost in the design. I find that Southwest and Northwest Native American stories, characters, and tribal patterns inspire me, but I also draw from Celtic and Scandinavian tribal patterns. I think it might have something to do with living in New Mexico and Washington state for long periods of time, while being of Swedish, Irish, and Scottish descent.

Next post, I will show more drawings (and hopefully an update on my 3D projects), as well as some artists that inspire me. Until next week!

14 Sep

Sketches of Human Anatomy

Jenn / anatomy, Sketches / / 0 Comments

These past couple of weeks, I have been teaching myself how to draw human anatomy using Imagine FX’s Bookazine How to Draw and Paint Anatomy. It’s a fantastic compilation showing how to draw human and animal anatomy, focusing on both the whole body as well as specific parts, such as hands, feet, claws, etc. The bookazine also includes a disc with video tutorials. Anyway, be sure to check it out if you are interested in learning how to construct two-dimensional anatomically correct humans and animals! I’m concentrating on improving my drawing skills for concept art by revisiting and learning some of these techniques. I’ll be posting these sketches to the blog as I go through the bookazine.

Imagine FX Anatomy

How to Draw and Paint Anatomy

